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200W Mono Selimut Solar Portable

200W Mono Selimut Solar Portable

Daya Watt 200W
Kerja maks. voltase 18.80V
Kerja maks. saiki10.68A
Sirkuit mbukak 22.80V
Sirkuit cendhakï¼11.47A
Ukuran (dilipat) ï¼350mm x 375mm x 70mm
Ukuran (mbukak) ï¼1545mm x 1010mm
Bobot 7.0kg (ora kalebu pengontrol & kabel)
Suhu operasiï¼-40°C nganti 85°C

Waca liyaneKirim Pitakonan
Adol paling anyar 200w-mono-portable-solar-panel bisa didol saka Renpower. Minangka salah siji saka manufaktur China 200w-mono-portable-solar-panel profesional, kita wis nglumpukake pengalaman sugih lan kita bakal terus kerja keras. Produk kita digawe ing China ora mung Newest nanging uga awet.We look nerusake kanggo kerjo bareng karo sampeyan, yen sampeyan pengin ngerti liyane, sampeyan bisa takon kita saiki, kita bakal reply kanggo sampeyan ing wektu!
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